Advanced specialization course: "Energy and Agrifood in decentralized ecosystems: urban twin and tracking in Blockchain"
December 2021 - Roma Tre University, the Quadrans Foundation and the Cappello law firm as part of the already stipulated Convention, launch the Advanced Specialization Course "Energy and Agrifood in decentralized ecosystems: urban twin and tracking in Blockchain" for a.a. 2021/2022, with the scientific direction of Prof. Avv. Francesco Longobucco, Professor of Private Law of New Technologies in the Degree Course in Economics and Big Data.
The Course Council, as expert members, includes Avv. Laura Cappello, Legal Engineer, Founder of the Cappello law firm and President of the Legal & Governance Board of the Quadrans Foundation, and Eng. Marco Vitale, Chairman & Co-Founder of the Quadrans Foundation. The teaching staff is selected from among the greatest connoisseurs and operators of the subject in the various sectors (IT, engineering, law, economics).
Press release (italian version)
Advanced training course in Blockchain - University of Naples "Federico II"
June 2021 - Avv. Laura Cappello intervened as a teacher at the high-level training course in Blockchain.
The Firm is a partner of the Department of Economics, Management, Institutions of the University of Naples "Federico II", as part of the collaboration agreement signed with the same Department and with FoodChain SpA in order to allow Federico II to be the first Italian university to experiment logic based on blockchain technology to trace the student's educational path in order to make it transparently verifiable by recruiters and realities of the academic and working world.
Among the topics covered:
the legal implications relating to decentralization
Analysis of the strategy and European legislation for the implementation of the Blockchain
Digital Single Market and European Blockchain Platform ….
and much more
Raffaello Maria del Re, Software engineer and Alessandro Cerboni, Managing Partner of the Firm's Compliance Area also participated in the course.
The new technologies of decentralized ecosystems in the European Digital Single Market
On 9 April 2021, Avv. Laura Cappello intervened as a teacher in Luiss Guido Carli at the new Executive Course “B&C Tech Law: European and International Perspectives”.
The participation of the leading experts in the sector and the General Counsel of the most active companies in the technological and digital innovation processes Google, TIM, Enel is expected within the master.
More details
Blockchain Year Zero: technical, legal and ethical aspects
On 22/23 October 2020, Avv. Laura Cappello participated as a teacher in the seminar of the Giacomo Leopardi School of Advanced Studies, University of Macerata on the theme of diversity and identity.
Raffaello Maria del Re, Software Engineer also participated in the course.
Professional refresher course for Energy Manager and EGE - Industrial sector
On February 20, 2020, Avv. Laura Cappello was a teacher for the professional refresher course for Energy Manager and EGE - Industrial Sector, together with Raffaello del Re, Software Engineer on blockchain and energy transaction.
Summer School Enea
On 5 July 2019 in Rome, Avv. Laura Cappello participated as a trainer in the Summer School of Enea, the national agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development. The topics covered were: blockchain, energy efficiency, renewable energy.
Europe decentralized by the blockchain in LUISS Guido Carli
On 27 February 2019, Avv. Laura Cappello participated in the eighth Meetup of the Decentralized AI Community, where she exposed in the final talk how the EU is working on protocols based on decentralized technologies to promote a safe and efficient exchange of information and data between member states to prevent fraud , together with Fulvio Sarzana and Luca Tacchetti.